Mistakes To Avoid When Designing A Baghouse When it comes to our products like Dust Collection Filtration Bag India or even Dust Collection Bag UAE, we know what mistakes are to be avoided to manufacture them perfectly. This makes it our responsibility to make you aware of the same as well. Therefore, in this blog, we are going to discuss a few tips on how you can avoid making certain mistakes while designing a baghouse. Many times, a baghouse faces operational problems. To avoid these, and even to solve these, we need to go back to their very origin. This is because the initial layout is one of the biggest sources of operational problems in a ventilation system. However, what do we exactly mean by the initial layout? The paper napkin phase of a project is referred to as the initial layout of the project. This is basically, the very first phase. This phase is when the engineering has not even begun. Usually, the bottlenecks in a baghouse can be tracked all the way back ...